Essense Skin Detox 30ml
Having issues with hormonal breakouts and blackheads? Stop those blemishes in their tracks. Better yet, prevent them from even appearing with Essense Skin Detox.
I use this product whenever I have a breakout or a blocked pore. If you have regular breakouts, then include Essense Skin Clear as one of your essential skincare products. It will clear out infected pores, keep them clean and free of inflammation, and continue to help your skin resist infection.
It's like a detox for your skin!
Application: To help maintain the skin's natural oil balance, apply Essense Skin Detox in the morning and at night, immediately after cleansing. Gently apply a small amount of cream onto blemishes, followed by the Forever Young Revitalizing Cream, Moisturiser and Freshener for your skin type.
Contains Annique's exclusive extract of Rooibos, a powerful natural anti-oxidant.